Sunday, March 16, 2008

silver creek falls

my roommates family took us to silver creek falls. I really enjoyed how her dad interacted with his daughters especially Chuni the youngest.


Zachary said...

i really like your silver creek falls pictures. my family used to go camping there yearly when i was young. i haven't been there in 14 years. it's time to go back. they haunt me, really.

Anita Opazo said...

I really enjoying your placement of your subjects in the first one...I like how as the viewer we know there is an adult, but can't see his face; so the image becomes all about the young girl.

Photos of nature are a bit harder to really make "pop". Possibly playing with contrast, black and white or saturation might strenghten these images.

Kory lynn said...

I love the way you captured the water in those pics. It just looks like its pouring rain.nice.